| «« Seekia Memo »» | |- Signature: | fZNyudBwJg9GT8xleuM8u7gFCU-eNg | ZKeOzemrtxdMK0SkP5i4-Lz3vvOjtL | 1anepR_XfRMJODoBuqEGq-hbCg== | |- Identity Key: | f59a0bce855d6e48105612ae73ffabfc | 4fac1349226433ff586e08b9b32ffd9d | |- Author: | simonx5yudleks5jhwhnck5s28m | |- Memo: | | Cardano Block Height: | 9949387 | | Cardano Block Hash: | deb7514fcab43acd380ea002319422d1a7c59cb07dbc1aea01d31385a6032fa4 | | Date: | February 18th, 2024 | | Author: | Simon Sarasova | | Title: | Why Race Extinction Matters | | Content: | | Humanity's appearance has been in a state of constant change throughout all of human history. We can categorize humanity into different races by classifying humans by genetic characteristics such as eye, skin, and hair color; hair texture; facial structure; bone structure; and genetic ancestry. Human populations were isolated by geographic distance for most of humanity's history, causing unique races to form by the process of genetic drift. Genetic drift caused each isolated population to evolve differently and develop unique traits as different mutations became dominant. Instances of cross-population breeding also occurred. These infusions of genetic variation often introduced changes to each recipient population's traits and appearance. | | Modern transportation technology has facilitated the spread of all human races to all regions of the world. This has accelerated the rate of interracial breeding, and has thus accelerated the rate of change in humanity's appearance. I posit that global population growth and modern widespread human race mixing have both increased the total quantity of races. Novel combinations of races are being bred into existence. | | Many modern human races are at risk of going extinct. Both the increased prevalence of interracial breeding and global fertility collapse are contributing to the risk of race extinction. Without intervention, all modern human races will eventually go extinct due to evolution, which gradually changes each race until their old traits disappear. For example, modern humans look very different from humans who lived 100,000 years ago. | | Seekia is a race aware mate discovery network I created. Users can share their racial information in their profiles and filter prospective mates based on their race and the calculated race of their offspring. | | One of Seekia's goals is to help prevent race extinctions by helping members of modern endangered human races to meet and have children. | | Many people will put forth the following argument: Why does it matter if human races go extinct? Many races have gone extinct throughout human history, such as the Neanderthals, and most people do not view those extinctions as tragedies. Why are modern human race extinctions different? | | The reason is beauty. Extinctions of modern beautiful races will be tragic and lamented by many people in the future. If beautiful races vanish from the earth, their beauty will still remain in photos and videos. People will still desire to mate with them but will be unable to. People will be sad and angry at the loss of these beautiful races. Modern beautiful race extinctions would also be tragic because humanity is much more capable of preventing these extinctions than we were for races of the past. This is similar to the phenomenon where people feel much more grief for deaths caused by poor decisions than for deaths of old age. | | Many modern human races, once extinct, cannot be easily recreated or recovered with our current technology. Replicating the thousands of years of evolution that produced their genomes is very difficult. Selective breeding techniques can possibly recover extinct races, but these techniques require long periods of time or technologies which are not yet available. It may also eventually be possible to resurrect extinct races by producing humans from their harvested genetic material. | | We should prevent modern beautiful races from going extinct by helping members of these races to breed with each other. Seekia aims to accomplish this goal. At the very least, we must preserve these race's genetic material in biobanks so they can be resurrected. | | «Why Beauty?» | | Many people may put forth the following argument: Why is beauty the most important genetic characteristic to preserve? Why not prevent the world's most intelligent and healthy races from going extinct? | | I agree that intelligence and health are extremely important. However, I believe that the extinction of the world's most intelligent and healthy races would not necessarily be tragic. Even if the most intelligent and healthy races went extinct, other people with similarly high levels of intelligence and health would still likely exist who belong to other races with a lower average intelligence and health. This outcome is much less likely for appearance. Racial classification emphasizes appearance much more than intelligence or health. Within each race, the diversity of intelligence and health is much greater than the diversity of appearance. My guess is that it is much easier for a specific appearance to go extinct from the earth than for all people with high intelligence or good health to go extinct. This is partly because traits such as intelligence and health are influenced by a higher quantity of genes than traits such as skin color, eye color, hair color, and facial structure. I am still worried about the decline of intelligence and health, but I am not worried about the extinction of intelligent and healthy people. | | «My Thoughts Have Evolved» | | In the original Seekia whitepaper, I gave another reason for why modern race extinctions are tragic: modern race extinctions are an example of the technological destruction of nature. This argument can be described as an appeal to naturalism. I said that advances in transportation technology have enabled the spread of all human races throughout the world, artificially increasing the rate of interracial breeding, causing multiple races to merge into singular amalgamated races, and reducing the biodiversity of our species. I now believe this set of arguments are weak and are not as satisfying of a justification for Seekia's existence as the reason of beauty extinction. I will explain why below. | | First, I will define the following concepts: genetic diversity, biodiversity, racial diversity, and appearance diversity. The definitions of these terms are not universally agreed upon and depend on context. I will provide my personal definitions and understanding. | | Genetic diversity is measured by quantifying the total amount of genetic differences within a population. For humans, we can define it as the diversity of allele values within the species. | | Biodiversity is the measure of diversity between physical biological organisms. For humans, biodiversity is measured by the diversity of physical traits, bodily functions, and anatomical structures. | | Racial diversity is measured by counting the total number of races in existence. Race is defined by grouping humans by genetic characteristics such as skin color, eye color, hair color, facial structure, bone structure, and genetic ancestry. Racial diversity is different from biodiversity because the measuring of racial diversity emphasizes bodily appearance traits and genetic clusters associated with ancestral population groups. | | Appearance diversity is the measure of how much difference there is in appearance across a species. Appearance diversity and racial diversity are not exactly the same. For example, a world with 5 human races which look starkly different from each other would have more appearance diversity than a world with 10 similar looking races. Imagine a world where there were only 4 human races, but each race had a different number of eyes, fingers, legs, arms, and ears. Some could argue that this world would possess more appearance diversity than our modern world. | | Interracial breeding has become more common than ever before due to advances in transportation technology. I don't believe this widespread race mixing phenomenon has reduced humanity's racial diversity. If two distinct racial groups merge into one, this does result in a loss of racial diversity and appearance diversity. However, I believe the mass mixing of human races in modern times has usually resulted in more races being created than the component races which previously existed. Thus, I believe that humanity's modern increase in interracial breeding has increased racial diversity. My guess is that our modern world possesses more races than ever before. If humanity's races continue to mix and we fail to preserve the currently extant races by using technologies like Seekia and biobanks, many modern races will go extinct. For a while, I believe there will still exist more races than existed before this era of mass race mixing. However, after a long enough period of time, humanity's genetics may blend together and amalgamate to the point at which fewer races will exist. In this theoretical future world, humanity would possess a lesser quantity of distinct human races and appearances, reducing the racial diversity and appearance diversity of humanity. This outcome would probably take at least 100 years to occur, at which point racial resurrection, novel trait synthesis, and designer babies will likely become common practices, reducing the probability of global racial diversity loss and human biodiversity loss. My guess is that increasing humanity's overall fertility is a more effective way to preserve racial diversity than to promote same-race breeding. Global fertility collapse is a much greater imminent threat to humanity's racial diversity than mass race mixing. | | A loss of genetic diversity may not be the proper way to describe the outcome of a theoretical future world with a genetically-amalgamated human species. As the human races mix together, their genome's alleles become distributed throughout the species. What is lost is the unique combinations of alleles and traits, not necessarily the individual alleles. | | I don't care about preserving genes and alleles which have no impact on a person's physical traits. Much of the human genome is junk which has no impact on a person's body. As we begin to edit the human genome, certain genes will become less important to preserve. In the future, genetic ancestry might become less important for racial classification. If genetic editing is used, members of the genetic clusters associated with these ancestral population groups will no longer share the same appearance and physical traits. Thus, ancestral population genes will become much less important to preserve and to discriminate by when filtering for potential mates. | | In the first Seekia whitepaper, I compared humanity's use of technology causing race extinctions to the example of a tree being chopped down by a chainsaw. I said that early human race extinctions were like trees falling due to natural causes, because they were not caused by humanity's use of technology, whereas modern race extinctions are like trees being chopped down by humans. This example does not apply well to the race extinctions caused by modern unprecedented fertility collapse and human race mixing. The chainsaw represents a moment at which a natural forest is changed by human activity, whereas humanity has slowly adopted and advanced technology. Humanity's evolution and traits have been influenced by our use of technology for a long time. Humanity's use of fire in cooking allowed our digestive systems to become smaller because we no longer needed to disinfect the food we consumed as thoroughly. Many of the most beautiful modern races I wish to preserve only exist as a result of technology. Technology has, in some cases, made humans more beautiful and will be used to increase humanity's beauty. Some scientists have argued that agriculture has caused some people's skin to become paler. I argue that this has led to the creation of some of the most beautiful races in the world. Scientists have argued that agriculture increased people's intake of plants and decreased their intake of meat, thus reducing their intake of vitamin D and folate, thus requiring them to receive these nutrients from sun exposure, thus causing their skin to become paler. | | «Conclusion» | | Preserving the beautiful races of the modern human species was one of my main motivations for creating Seekia. Seeing astoundingly beautiful women motivates me to want to preserve their beauty by preserving their races so that our species can continue to enjoy them in the future. | | I will stop using naturalism to explain why modern race extinctions are bad. Usually, nature is defined as the state of the Earth undisturbed by humans. Within the context of humans, nature refers to the state of our existence before we utilized technology. A lifestyle is more natural for humans if it more closely resembles the lifestyle of human hunter gatherers. My perspective is that there is nothing inherently wrong with technology influencing our species. What truly matters is how healthy, beautiful, and happy humanity is, not whether humans are living a natural lifestyle. People have used naturalism as a reason to oppose technologies such as in vitro fertilization, embryo testing, and genetic mate discovery technologies like Seekia. Opposing these kinds of technologies on the basis of naturalism is foolish. | | It is true that there is a large overlap between what is natural and what makes humans healthy and happy. Technology can cause significant suffering for humans. However, any negative effects of technology on our species should not be criticized for having been caused by technology. For example, if modern unprecedented fertility collapse and human race mixing ultimately cause many beautiful races to go extinct, these extinctions will not be tragic because they were caused by technology, but rather because beauty will have vanished from our earth. | | Humans have biological motivations which, if fulfilled, tend to make us happier. Fulfilling these desires is not inherently good because they are naturally derived, but rather because our genetics and biology respond positively to certain behaviors and stimuli. For example, Seekia aims to help people to produce offspring who look similar to them by helping them to find a mate who looks similar to them and possesses similar appearance genetics. The desire to breed offspring which resembles oneself is often motivated by a biological drive to spread one's genetics into the world. Facilitating the fulfillment of this desire is good to the extent that it makes people happier, not because it is natural. Seekia is a technology which helps people to fulfill their natural desires via unnatural means. I still personally have an emotional attachment to naturalism and feel it has intrinsic value. However, I don't need to rely on naturalism to justify the benefits of Seekia. | | I do not feel grief for the extinctions of old human races because their passings were inevitable. I said I did because I thought it was funny and my troll tendencies were breaking out. There are no beautiful races depicted in old paintings or photographs whose extinctions I am grieving. I am still concerned about the potential future extinctions of beautiful modern races because their extinctions are possible to prevent. | | I will start to promote eugenics as one of Seekia's goals. Eugenics is the practice of improving humanity's genetic quality. Seekia aims to make humanity more healthy, beautiful, and intelligent. Promoting beautification eugenics requires acknowledging that some people and races are, on average, considered more beautiful than others. Human beauty ranking is calculated by comparing the sentiments expressed by large populations of humans. I wanted to avoid promoting eugenics due to its controversial connotations and far-reaching ramifications, but it is necessary to fully explain the benefits of Seekia. | | I will start to use the phrase "beautify the human species" to describe one of Seekia's goals. Seekia aims to make the human species more beautiful by encouraging human mate pairings which will preserve the most beautiful races, create the most beautiful offspring, and increase the proportion of beautiful people and races on Earth. Seekia users will be able to choose their mate with a greater knowledge of what their offspring will look like, helping them to produce the most beautiful offspring belonging to the most beautiful races and possessing the most beautiful traits. | | I am removing the "preserve the diverse beauty of our species" phrase from Seekia's motivations, because it could be interpreted as implying that modern unprecedented mass race mixing and race extinctions will cause our species to become less diverse and less beautiful. I explained in this post why I believe modern mass race mixing will not decrease human racial diversity for a long time. My meaning of that phrase was that Seekia aims to preserve beautiful modern races. I don't know what effect modern mass race mixing is having on the overall beauty of our species. | | I am removing the "preserve biodiversity, racial diversity, and appearance diversity" motivations from Seekia's goals. Preserving and expanding human diversity is not the most important goal. Beauty is more important than diversity. I care about increasing the diversity and quantity of beautiful races and preventing beauty extinction. The world could have many more races than today, but if those races were much less beautiful, the human species would be uglier and humanity would be less happy. Increasing racial diversity is beneficial if the newly created races are extremely beautiful. A world with a higher quantity of beautiful races is better than one with a lower quantity. For example, being able to listen to 50 great songs is better than being able to listen to 5 great songs. | | The motivation to preserve beauty still justifies the preservation of all modern races, regardless of how beautiful they are. Preserving the diverse range of uglier appearances and races is still beneficial. We can possibly transform uglier races into more beautiful races by using eugenic techniques. Additionally, someone in the world may believe that a race that is commonly believed to be ugly is actually the most beautiful. Thus, we should ideally preserve genetic material from all extant races so we will have the ability to resurrect them. However, we should first focus our efforts on preventing the most widely acclaimed beautiful races from going extinct. Allowing uglier races to go extinct is fine so long as they go extinct as a result of humanity's voluntary decisions and that we maintain the ability to resurrect them. | | I am replacing "prevent race extinction" with "prevent beauty extinction" in Seekia's branding and motivational writings. Seekia aims to prevent the extinction of the world's most beautiful races, not all of the world's races. Race extinctions can be good. For example, if a race that is widely regarded as being one of the ugliest races in the world goes extinct because the race's own members choose to breed more beautiful races into existence rather than their own race, and all other races also choose not to adopt genetic material from the race, the human species would become more beautiful by its own voluntary choices. It is important to mention that it is better for uglier races to continue to exist and reproduce than to not. Our world is suffering a fertility crisis. I would rather the world's ugliest races continue to breed offspring than to cease reproduction. Also, most people would rather be born ugly than not be born at all. | | I want humanity to be happy. We humans must think about what we want ourselves to look like. We should be aiming towards making humanity as beautiful as possible. I will further describe my thoughts on this topic in my eugenics manifesto. I have been working on this manifesto for a long time, and I will post it on my blog when it is ready. | | Thank you for reading this document. I am a flawed human who makes mistakes, and I am still learning and improving myself and my philosophies. My goal in my writings is to express the truths of our world in the most direct, simple, and honest way. | | | - Simon Sarasova | | «« End Of Memo »»